Virtual Assembly workshop: Showcasing AST Turbo’s AMT laser technology

The AMT laser metrology technology is AST Turbo’s tool for virtual assembly of critical components. It significantly enhances the prospects to successfully complete machinery turnarounds faster. It allows a fundamental new sequence of events resulting in effective downtime reduction. Properly deployed, the number of critical lifts is drastically reduced, and digital reporting of assembly positions and clearances is simplified.

No wonder our customers want to learn more about the secrets of AMT.

A workshop was hold at our Tech Center. The AMT laser technology was showcased on real equipment showing how easily reliable data can be generated. The interactive format promoted engagement and exchange among all involved experts. AST Turbo engineers conveyed the features and benefits of the AMT technology for turnaround projects as well as installation projects. Besides learning the basics, there was also the lively interaction between all attendees. Passionate conversations on past experience, new ideas and concepts indicated the vast opportunity AMT offers to the industry.

One of the many feedbacks states: “I liked the way the workshop was structured. Lots of hands-on in the shop and great explanation of the techniques. It was also great that the workshop leaders explained that the readings are not perfect but perfect enough for what we are trying to accomplish (Which is the same for manual measurement techniques).”

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AST Turbo
Talstrasse 24
8852 Altendorf

+41 56 500 06 45